You Have Been Reduced to Begging: For the woman who has been doing some serious hinting about getting married; it is often very hard to realize that conversations about marriage have been replaced with begging and pleading. If you have been reduced to begging, it is time to move on. Not only does he not plan on marrying you, but the type of guy who strings a woman along like this is likely to move on to more complex stalling tactics that can drag on for years without ever tying a not.
An Engagement with No Date Set: Many guys find that presenting a woman with a diamond ring is a great stalling technique. The men that have the financial means, can often get years worth of stall time with a large enough diamond. If you've been engaged for more than a few months and you still don't have a date set, then the odds of you walking down the aisle with this man are extremely slim. The same goes for dates set two or more years into the future.
Waiting for the right Time to Get Married:It sounds very responsible for your guy to say that he will ask you to marry him as soon as it is "the right time," but this is usually another stalling tactic. People manage to tie the knot during less than perfect circumstances all the time, so why can't he?
All of His Exes Are "Crazy":Be wary of a man who refers to his former girlfriends as crazy, pyscho, or clingy-because what's the common denominator here? Him, he never really wanted the relationship to work in the first place and probably has commitment issues.
He's hot and cold on the phone:He'll: text you 10 times in a night, then go MIA for days. He'll chat on the phone for an hour, and then ignore your messages for the rest of the week. Wondering what the hell is going on? We're going to be brutally honest:He's mostly likely busy dating other women.
Stuff is missing from his face book profile:has he untagged any photos of you and him? Does he post updates often, yet never mention hanging out with you? Is this relationship status hidden? We smell a rat. A guy who's leery of commitment will make sure there are no traces of you on his page.
He hasn't asked you (no explanation needed):
(Kutoka gazeti la DailyNews 15/12/2011 uk.8)
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